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High Fiber, High Protein, Breakfast Bowl

This delicious and healthy muesli breakfast is so simple, gluten free, dairy free, and plant-based. It’s a filling and nutritious breakfast or snack to enjoy any day of the week!

It gives you that protein boost you need. But it also helps you to get more fiber.

Muesli is filling, healthy and quick – which is what everyone can benefit from in the morning, right??

In less than 5-minutes this bowl can be easily whipped up, providing the body with complex and simple carbohydrates for energy, fibre for healthy digestion, proteins for blood stabilization and fats for that satisfying factor!

It's energizing, not too filling as to leave you feeling heavy, and it’s easily digested!

Here are the ingredients you will need


  • 1/2 cup plain dairy-free Coconut yogurt (or plain 0% fat Greek yogurt if dairy-free isn't needed)

  • 1/4 cup unsweetened gluten-free muesli (if you can, try to find one with a mix of nuts, dried fruits, and gluten-free rolled oats)

  • 1 cup fresh berries

  • 1 tsp honey, sugar free syrup or pure maple syrup

  • 1 tablespoon crushed pistachios

Let’s get to it


  1. Place yogurt in a bowl.

  2. Add in the muesli.

  3. Top with berries.

  4. Drizzle lightly with honey or pure maple syrup.

  5. Sprinkle with the pistachios

  6. Add in any other toppings you'd like (cocao nibs, coconut, hemp seeds, chia seeds etc.)

  7. Devour!

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